375751 |
04/08/25 |
04:30 PM |
Matches |
Mounds Park Academy |
Mounds Park Academy |
376121 |
04/15/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Minnetonka |
Minnetonka High School |
375482 |
04/16/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Benilde - St. Margaret's |
Aquila Park |
367843 |
04/17/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
South/Wellstone International |
Powderhorn Park |
376094 |
04/19/25 |
10:00 AM |
Matches |
Elk River High School |
376094 |
376094 |
376232 |
04/21/25 |
03:30 PM |
Matches |
Eastview |
Kenwood Park Tennis Courts |
378721 |
04/23/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Edina |
Creek Valley Elementary School |
367847 |
04/24/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Camden High School/Fair School of the Arts |
Kenwood Tennis Courts |
378196 |
04/26/25 |
09:00 AM |
Matches |
Coon Rapids |
Alexandria Area H.S. |
378196 |
Alexandria Area |
375679 |
04/28/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
St. Louis Park |
Kenwood Park Tennis Courts |
375791 |
04/30/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Bloomington Jefferson |
Bloomington Jefferson High School |
367854 |
05/01/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Minneapolis Southwest |
Kenwood Tennis Courts |
367855 |
05/05/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Minneapolis Roosevelt/Heritage Academy |
Lake Hiawatha Park |
375000 |
05/06/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Blake |
Kenwood Park Tennis Courts |
367857 |
05/07/25 |
04:00 PM |
Matches |
Mpls North |
Kenwood Tennis Courts |